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Chủ điểm Family & Friends thường khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này thường xoay quanh việc hỏi người bạn thân của bạn là ai, những điều mà bạn thích ở bạn hay chị em mình, và một số những câu hỏi khác về mối quan hệ giữa bạn và những người này.
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Family & Friends và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Do you have a lot of friends?
To be completely honest with you, I have always been an introvert. Therefore, I don't have so many friends. I would rather have one close friend than many fair-weather friends.
2. How often do you see your friends?
I would say quite often. As we enjoy each other's company very much, it is always a joy to see my besties.
3. Is there anything special about your best friend?
Of course. To me, she is the most kind-hearted person I have ever met. She is a reliable shoulder to cry on, who never leaves me when I hit the rockbottom. Sometimes I feel blessed to have such a friend beside me.
4. How long have you known your best friend?
I met her about 10 years ago when we were in college. At the very beginning, we knew that we would click. Throughout 10 years together, I cherish all the ups and downs that she has shared with me.
Vocabulary |
Phonetic |
Meaning |
introvert |
/ˈɪntrəvəːt/ |
người hướng nội |
fair-weather |
/fɛː ˈwɛðə/ |
hay thay đổi |
enjoy each other's company |
/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ iːtʃ ʌðəz kʌmp(ə)ni/ |
thích dành thời gian với nhau |
shoulder to cry on |
/ˈʃəʊldə tə krʌɪ ɒn/ |
bờ vai để dựa vào |
hit the rock-bottom |
/hɪt ðə rɒkˈbɒtəm/
rơi vào khủng hoảng trầm trọng |
click |
/klɪk/ |
khớp nhau, hợp nhau |
ups and downs |
/ʌps ənd daʊnz/ |
thăng trầm |
5. What do you think is the best trait of a friendship?
In my opinion, the best characteristic of a healthy friendship is its ability to stand the test of time. A long-term friendship indicates loyalty and appreciation, which are hard to find these days.
6. Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?
Absolutely, it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love. But I think both partners should try not to lose touch with their friends, that’s the best way to have a healthy relationship with your partner.
7. Have you known each other long?
Most of them yes. Although my closest friend Carrie is an exception. We struck up a relationship at college and got on like a house on fire. But all in all, yes, my other friendships go back years to when we were at school.
8. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends?
I don't know. Sometimes I want to spend time with my friends because we have a lot of things in common and it's easy for us to find interesting topics to talk about. But when I'm with my family, I can feel the love from them, which make me feel safe and comfortable.
Vocabulary |
Phonetic |
Meaning |
stand the test of time |
/stand ðə tɛst ɒv tʌɪm/ |
dài lâu |
drift apart |
/drɪft əˈpɑːt/ |
xa nhau dần |
lose touch with |
/luːz tʌtʃ wɪð/ |
mất liên lạc |
strike up a relationship |
/strʌɪk ʌp ə rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp/ |
bắt đầu một mối quan hệ |
get on like a house on fire |
/ɡɛt ɒn lʌɪk ə haʊs ɒn fʌɪə/ |
(tính cách) rất hợp nhau |
have a lot of things in common |
/hav ə lɒt ɒv θɪŋz ɪn kɒmən/ |
có nhiều điểm chung |
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